Vietnam's Loss Carryover 5 Year Model / Calculation Tool
In Vietnam, you can carry forward for 5 years from the year after the loss occurs.
It is one of the basic but important financial strategies to use up the deficit firmly in 5
This calculation model is intended for expatriate managers who have just been assigned overseas. Therefore, we ignore complicated calculations such as tax effect accounting.
It will be a model for those who have just been assigned to Vietnam to have an image of what a loss is and what kind of impact it will have on the company.
Feel free to contact us regarding accounting and tax matters such as accounting audits and tax returns required by Japanese companies and foreign-affiliated companies.AACSPlease contact us.
* * * * Please enter a numerical value in the skin color item on the following calculation sheet * * * *
* * * * Yellow items are the calculation results * * * *
* This is a simple calculation system, and we are not responsible for the calculation results.
Please be sure to consult the accounting office for details.

AACS Accounting Office provides useful information about Vietnam's taxes. AACS Accounting OfficeThere are 8 bases all over Vietnam, and we cooperate with the tax authorities in each region to support smooth accounting audits and tax affairs.To do.